May 19, 2024


Hey guys! I’m still alive! Hello! I’ve been so busy this week with Thanksgiving and planning that. I had an okay Thanksgiving. It was pretty chill. I didn’t do much cooking other than the apple pie. I just decided to order in a Thanksgiving/turkey dinner from IHOP for my mom and Bobby. It was much easier than slaving away over a hot stove for hours! But I had my mom and Bobby over for Thanksgiving and we had a nice day. I was just happy I didn’t have to spend my holiday with family. I used to go to holidays with my family for years well into adulthood but my family is just SO judgmental and I just don’t feel comfortable around them. My parents, my sister, my brother, and my fiance are my family now. Extended family is just effing crazy! But on Thanksgiving Bobby and I watched the movie “Elvis” with Tom Hanks in it and then “The Bodyguard” with Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston. And why did Whitney Houston have to die?! She was so beautiful and talented! I love her! 🙁

I hope you all had a good holiday! I’ll be posting more often so keep checking back!