May 9, 2024


I just got done with a much deserved bath this morning and it felt amazing! I ordered breakfast from Whataburger this morning and am waiting for it to arrive. I’m obsessed with their breakfast taquitos! They’re basically little breakfast burritos with egg, cheese, and potato and are SO addictive! I remember going through the Whataburger drive through when I was 12 and ordering these on the way to school and they’re just as good now!

Quiz time!

1) If you had to move 100 miles or more to the north, east, west, or south, which would you choose, where would you end up, and what’s so great about there? Oh my gosh. Can I choose all of the above? If I could be 100 miles away from here (in whatever direction) I would be happier. My top two would be south or east. But I want to visit the entire country someday so…

2) Do you have a favorite stretch of highway or byway for driving, touring, or wandering? I love wandering around the historic Tulsa downtown area. Or anywhere downtown, for shopping and people watching and eating.

3) Are you happier to start a trip or return home? Start a trip! No question. I wish I had no home. I’d just keep driving and moving and travelling forever. I don’t need a home.

4) Plane, train, automobile, bicycle, or foot? Foot. With a camera around my neck. You get the best pictures that way. I’m scared of planes… and they’re boring so not those.

5) Do you overplan or underplan your travels? (Assume that “no” is not a valid answer.) I’d like to underplan but I always overplan and stuff doesn’t turn out the right way or you get lost and miss stuff. I’d love to wander and find cool stuff at whatever time I feel like it.