May 19, 2024

OMG my fiance and I had a trip from hell to Muskogee (a suburb of Tulsa where I live) when we went to Muskogee on Wednesday for Bobby’s surgery. I had booked a hotel through Expedia for us to stay the night in Wednesday night since Bobby’s surgery was Thursday morning (yesterday). Well, on the way to Muskogee, I lost my fucking credit card so when we got to the hotel, they refused to let us have the room I had already paid for, without a physical copy of my credit card, despite the room being paid for in full. They also wanted a $150 cash deposit for the room which they also failed to tell me when I booked the room! Bobby went off on them bad (I was so proud of him!) for taking our money and not giving us the room. They said no refunds so we were both pretty fucking pissed. But I was able to book us an amazingly beautiful AirBNB right by the hospital where his surgery was being done. A beautiful house on 3 acres of land. We wound up having to walk to the hospital from the house yesterday morning but we managed to get there and his surgery went well. He’s going to be off his feet for a little while and in May, he’ll have to go back and get his other foot operated on. They had to saw off some of the bone by his big toe so he’s in some pain but they gave him the good shit for pain (Oxycodone!) so he’s gonna be okay. But we’re so glad to be home!!! Bobby’s a a veteran (so we had to travel to the veteran’s hospital in Muskogee since they don’t have one in Tulsa) and the V.A. takes really good care of their veterans! I was really impressed. They even paid for my lunch while waiting for Bobby to get out of surgery since I lost my credit card. Bobby left his watch and medicine at the AirBNB we stayed at and the guy we rented from drove clear from Muskogee to my apartment in Tulsa to bring it back! The guy who I rented the AirBNB from was so much nicer than those two bitches at the hotel in Muskogee who fucked us over out of our money.

The new Nintendo Switch game “Showtime!” with Princess Peach (Mario’s love interest) is a really good game! I’ve got all the Mario games on my Nintendo Switch. I’ve loved Mario since I was a little kid. So I was really excited they finally put out a game committed totally to Princess Peach.

I’m exhausted from my trip so it’s time for me to take a nap. 😉