May 23, 2024


I’m SO tired! I woke up this morning just before 6 a.m. and am tempted to lay back down and take a nap! I ordered me lunch in from Arby’s (one of my all time favorite restaurants! I love their curly fries dipped in cheese!). I’m trying to decide too if I want to spend $72 on YouTube TV to get my cable TV back. Right now, I have Hulu, Paramount Plus, and HBO Max but I wouldn’t mind having my local channels to watch either so I can keep up with the local news and whatnot. So we’ll see! I get paid tomorrow night so may use that money to join YouTube TV again. I’m just a cheapskate when it comes to money! Haha!

I went out for an early Halloween yesterday with friends. we all looked pretty hot, so it was good times. it got crazy-ridiculous at some points – but ending the night off at McDonald’s with quarter-pounders with cheese is always the happiest ending of all. So much fun. I also ran into someone <3 which was even better…mmm, delicious.

Tonight I am planing on either going up to surprise visit mom and dad or hang out with my favorite lady friend (which I may do and then visit afterwards. yessss.)

This post is over. [OVER!]

Music: random television in the background

Mood: hungover